It’s easy to assume that pain in your chest is gas or even acid reflux. But, if your pain is new, happens over and over, or keeps you up at night, call 911. Common symptoms of a heart attack include:
1. Pain, squeezing, tightness, pressure, or aching in your arms (especially your left arm) or chest. Sometimes this can spread to your back, jaw, or neck. 2. Shortness of breath 3. Suddenly sweaty or clammy 4. Fatigue or becoming exhausted easily 5. Long-lasting cough 6. Abdominal pain, heartburn, indigestion, or nausea 7. Lightheaded 8. Snoring 9. Swollen ankles or feet
Pain in the throat or jaw can be probably caused by a muscular issue, a sinus problem or cold but if you experience severe pain or pressure in the center of your chest spreading into your throat or jaw, that can also be a sign of a heart attack.
If you have a heart attack or a blocked artery, you may feel tightness, pain, or pressure in your chest. The heart feels burdensome where as some mention it as burning or pinching.
For no obvious reason, breaking out in a cold sweat could also be a signal for heart attack. If this happens along with any other symptoms of heart attack, don’t try to drive yourself.
In most cases, persistent cough cannot be among the symptoms of heart attack. But, if you are prone to a heart disease or disorder, pay attention to the possibility. Long-lasting cough that produces a pink or white mucus, could be a sign of a heart failure.
1. Have an autoimmune disease 2. Are over age 45 for men, or age 55 for women 3. Have a family history of heart disease 4. Have high cholesterol